Our 2024 Mass book is open and we have Mass Intentions available for both weekend and weekday Masses. To book intentions for someone who is ill or deceased or has an anniversary, birthday, etc., please call the office during office open hours.
The cost is $10 per Mass. Thank you.
There are currently eleven people on the Funeral Ministry list where the coordinator, Angela Tomak, emails or texts parishioners regarding funerals that are being celebrated at Saint Mary. One of the Corporal Works of Mercy is to bury the dead and participate in this ministry. By going to funeral Masses is one way where a person can help “bury the dead.” Many of our funerals are small because the deceased has very few friends or family members left. The church can look pretty empty for some of these funerals. If you would like to be notified when there is a funeral, please call the parish office and supply your name, phone number (for texting) or email address. Angela Tomak will notify you with absolutely no obligation to attend any given funeral.